

Everyone deserves happiness.

在新浪微博转了一则关于幸福的微博:患有唐氏综合症的Gabriela和有智力障碍的Fabio这对夫妻有一个正常的女儿。在网上搜索英文原文的时候找到两个版本,虽然要表达的主题是一样的,但说法却不尽相同。个人更喜欢goole+上Amusing World的文辞。 

Amusing World:

Gabriela has Down syndrome and Fabiostruggles with a slight mental delay. Their daughter, Valentina, was born with no mental disability. Everyone deserves happiness. This family is beautiful.  

WFT Facts: 

Gabriela has Down syndrome and Fabio fight with small mentalretardation, the daughter of the couple, Valentina, was born on March 19, 2008,without any disability. Be happy does not always mean that everything isperfect. This means that it has been decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Down syndrome [ [daʊn 'sɪndrəʊm] 唐氏综合征

mental retardation [ˈmentl ˌri:tɑ:ˈdeiʃən] n.智力迟钝,智力缺陷 

disability [ˌdɪsə'bɪlətɪ] n.无力,无能; 残疾;身心障碍 

imperfection[ɪmpərˈfekʃən] n.不完美; 缺点,瑕疵
